Monday, July 15, 2024

Cat Book Feature: The Little Book Of Extraordinary Cats (Compiled by Anita Kelsey)

 "The Little Book of Extraordinary Cats" (Compiled by Anita Kelsey), pays homage to Anita's cat Zara, who passed at the age of 15. She had a rare form of cancer, a leg amputation and other medical issues that popped up. Zara was dearly loved. All 15 stories in this book represent the 15 wonderful years of Zara's life.

"Discover the captivating world of fabulous felines in The Little Book Of Extraordinary Cats. Join Anita Kelsey on a journey through fifteen remarkable tales celebrating the courage, resilience and affection of our beloved feline companions,

 from pioneering space traveller Félicette to therapy cat London Meow.  The book features colour photos of all cats.

 Whether you’re a cat lover or seeking heart-warming stories of human-animal connections, this book is a must-read.

 The collection in this book was put together by UK behaviourist Anita Kelsey, who runs a vet-referred behaviour practice for cats. This is Anita’s third book - her other books are Claws, Confessions Of A Cat Groomer published by John Blake and Let’s talk About Cats which was self published."


While I enjoyed this book, many of the stories and the cats featured I was quite familiar with. Run-of-the-mill cat lovers might not be, but seasoned cat parents (as many of you are), might have heard of many of these extraordinary cats from the news, Animal Planet, etc. While I enjoyed the book, I would have preferred reading at least a few stories submitted by random people or even Anita herself. 

My favorite stories in this book are:

Dusty: The One Who Stole From Neighbors (Chapter 2)

Casper: The One Who Loved Buses (Chapter 4)

Stubbs: The One Who Became Honorary Mayor (Chapter 7)

Oliver: The One Who Enchanted a Whole Town (Chapter 9)

While those were my favorites, there are eleven other stories as well as many, many honorable mentions of other cats which I am confident most cat lovers would greatly enjoy.


Release date: 2nd June 2024 via Amazon worldwide

Format; Kindle / paperback and hardback

Publisher: Self published – KiZa publishing

Social media links:


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FTC Disclosure: I received no compensation for featuring this book. I received a copy of the book at no charge in exchange for my honest review.


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Our Sweet Dakota Left Us Four Years Ago Today

 My first ever Sheltie, Dakota, my sweet boy passed on July 9, 2020 (9 days after Cody), after having been diagnosed with Hemagiosarcoma (a tumor on his heart) a mere month before. He was 13 (as was Cody).

It is an awful disease that has taken many beloved dogs of friends and family members. We were blessed to have Dakota with us for a month after he was diagnosed, many I know weren't that lucky. 

To think I thought Dakota was crazy when he was young! Little did I know what would be in store for me with Levi.

Dakota was sweet, stoic at the Vet, he HATED other dogs, was devoted to his "pack" at home, but wasn't much of a fan of humans that he didn't know. He never would have enjoyed going to daycare or boarding like Levi does.

He was a great brother to Cody. They truly loved each other.

He hated taking walks, wasn't thrilled with the car (he would sit on the floor). Didn't like to sleep in his bed, he preferred sleeping on the floor. If I stirred eggs he would bark. If I used spray butter he would bark. He was the quirkiest dog ever!

He LOVED his precious Greenies, popcorn, red peppers (not hot ones!), apples, carrots and the doggy meatloaf/meatballs/hamburgers I would make for him.


Dakota was extremely bonded with Lenny when he was young, as time went on, he and I became extremely close. He had a sixth sense of knowing just when I needed extra loving.

He was the first dog I had as an adult and was the fulfillment of a childhood dream of having a Sheltie. He was special in so many ways.

He loved running and playing fetch when he was young.

He adored his red, white and blue Dollar store ball that we have safely tucked away in a trunk. That dog had sooo many toys and that disgusting worn out plush ball was his absolute favorite. 

The 13 years he was with us went by in the blink of an eye. I am grateful for the many collages I have on the living room wall of both Cody and Dakota, this way I can still see them both every day.

Dakota you were such a good and special boy. Daddy and I think of you, love you and miss you every single day. 

About a minute after Dakota left us, I noticed a yellow butterfly that flew right into our patio doors, I am certain that was our sweet Dakota letting us know he would always be there.

 I had always loved the name "Dakota" and when I was selecting a name for him I had looked up the meaning. In American Indian the name "Dakota" meant "trusted friend." He completely lived up to his name and more. 

Thank you, Dakota, for sharing your life and love with Daddy, Cody and I. You were the PERFECT first Sheltie.

Much Love Always,


Monday, July 8, 2024

Dog/Pet Book Feature: Peace, Love, Paws; A Memoir By Elizabeth Parker


I have had the pleasure of reading a number of books by Elizabeth Parker. Sadly, ALL of those books were featured on Dakota's blog which no longer exists. You can find information about the MANY books Elizabeth has written by clicking here.

In honor of the fourth anniversary of our beloved Dakota's passing, (July 9th, 2020), when Elizabeth approached me about reading Peace, Love, Paws: A Memoir, I thought featuring it by the anniversary  of his crossing the bridge would be a wonderful way to honor him.

From Elizabeth Parker:

"Grieving a pet is just like grieving a person, except there's no ceremony celebrating their life. That doesn't mean you can't celebrate their life on your own or with loved ones.
Pets are a part of the family. And sometimes the pain of loss is overbearing. You have been their caregiver and they have been a loyal companion. Chances are you had a daily routine involving your pet, and now that routine has disappeared. At times, it's heartbreaking. But there will be a point when you can look back and smile, grateful that you had experienced the precious moments with your pet.
Peace, Love, Paws chronicles my time with Lola. My furry soulmate who taught me so much about life and how to keep enough love in my heart for other pups who need a home."

While Peace, Love, Paws: A Memoir is a book written exclusively about dogs, it is a book that ALL pet lovers can relate to.

When an individual brings a pet into their family whether through adoption/rescue or yes, even acquiring their pet from a breeder, they are signing on to hopefully many, many years of  creating happy memories. Sadly, with good also comes bad. Life happens. When one loves they also are setting themselves up for great hurt which is sadly what we all experience when we lose a pet. Sometimes the loss happens after many, many years together, sometimes, as unfair as it is to experience, the loss can happen in months, or just a short number of years.

"The heart loves in many ways :people, places, creatures of all kinds. The soul knows when it meets its mate. That kind of meeting is never forgotten or taken for granted."

When author Elizabeth Parker adopted her "heart dog" Lola, while she experienced more love with Lola than she could ever have hoped for, it all ended much too soon. This book shares her two years spent with Lola. It also conveys "who Lola was, what she could have been, and all she could have done."


"They never truly leave us. The memories are tattooed in our minds and our hearts."

"You don't realize just how much your dog is smiling until they are no longer smiling."

"Grief is not a one size fits all emotion. It's more than ok to grieve a pet in whatever way you see fit., and there's no time limit. However you deem appropriate to mourn them, is what you must do. What works for one person might not work for another."

"Time doesn't wait for us. If you have a pet, love it with all of your heart. Where there are paws, there is always peace and love."

Peace, Love, Paws: A Memoir by Elizabeth Parker is a worthwhile read for all who have ever given their heart and soul to their pet. To get your paws on a copy, see below:


FTC Disclosure: I received no monetary compensation for featuring this book. I received a copy to read and feature on the blog.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Cat Book: Purrseverance (Inspiring Stories of Cat Resilience and Hope) Compiled by Sierra M. Koester


Since my beloved Cody passed on June 30th, 2020 as many of you know, my time blogging has been greatly limited. When Cody left, any desire to blog that I had left (to be frank, it was waning before he passed and his passing, as well as precious Dakota's nine days later, pretty much sealed the deal).

Eventually I returned, albeit sporadically. I also vowed to no longer do ANY book reviews. Why? Because many of them were just too painful for me to read. (Being candid, they STILL are.)

Back in April or May I was contacted by Sierra Koester, the writer who compiled the above book "Purrseverance" (Inspiring Stories of Cat Resilience and Hope). For those of you who may not be familiar with Sierra, she is "an award-winning freelance writer and professional blogger. Sierra is a Professional Member of the Cat Writer's Association and the Content Manager at The Cat Blogosphere, a place for all pets and pet bloggers. She also writes Fur Everywhere, an educational and entertaining blog about cats."

I'm not going to lie. I sat on this book for the LONGEST time because while it is now 4 years since Cody is gone, the pain is still raw. After enough guilt passed for not opening the book, I decided to finally read it.

I am glad that I did.

It was Sierra's own cat Jewel that was the inspiration behind this compilation. Jewel came to live with Sierra at the ripe old age of 14 after having lived a challenging life. Sierra penned, "it wasn't until I met Jewel that I understood just how remarkably resilient our feline friends can be. Jewel's persistence and resiliency served as the inspiration for this anthology that features other cats who have overcome life's struggles".

A few of my favorite stories in this book are:

My Name is Not Scooter-written by Lorianne Miller about her tripod kitty Evan. Lorianne writes the blog

Lazarus Cat-written by Sierra M. Koester about  her precious cat Lita

Wren: "A Caged Kitty Can't Purr" written by Julia Williams. This one resonated with me because when I first adopted Cody, he didn't have the fur color that I preferred. I also remember following Julia on social media when she first adopted Wren and was trying to come up with a name for her. 

Brian is Home-written by Terry Frum (who in the Cat Blogosphere is so well known he technically needs no introduction.) Terry doesn't just "talk the talk" he "walks the walk", rescuing a multitude of cats and tending to ferals for YEARS. Terry's beloved Brian, an endearing, wise, gentle and loving tabby boy won my heart many years ago when I first began blogging. Terry and his wife are two of the most dedicated pet parents I've ever known. Not just for their own pets, but Terry has been there for myself and countless others when we just needed an ear to offer support or anything else they may need.  Brian, had many of the same qualities as Terry. He believed "if you're kind, then everyone gets along and we can overcome adversity together." You can find Terry's blog Brian's Home at and you can also find Terry on the Cat Blogopshere:

Carmine Fulfills His Purpose-written by Sierra M. Koester about her beloved kitty Carmine.


It is Sierra's hope that the stories in this book inspire you the way they inspired her (AND ME!!!). Sierra reminds us that "sometimes even seemingly hopeless situations can turn around. Our feline friends have so much to wisdom to offer. The next time you are facing a difficult challenge, she hopes you'll choose to follow these cats' example to "NEVER GIVE UP!"


In Full Disclosure: I received no compensation for this book feature. I received a copy of Purrseverance in exchange for my featuring it on my blog.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Remembering My Cody

 My precious Cody, (Codester, Codalicious, Jelly Belly), my precious boy. You left us four years ago today. A life ended much too soon.

 I miss your quirky mouth and oh so handsome face. I miss holding you, cuddling you

While life may have changed since you left us precious Cody, one thing is constant. My love for you is as deep (even deeper), than it ever was. I will never, ever stop loving you and I will never, ever stop missing you.

You can rest assured that you still have my heart, and you always will.

Love, Mom

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Belated Happy Father's Day, International Box Day, Juneteenth and Our Youngest Granddaughter's 4th Birthday!

 What a day of celebrations!!! 

It appears for the past two years I missed acknowledging our Dad and all of you special Dads out there (as well as father figures) on Father's Day (which was last Sunday). I have good reason (at least for this year!!) We were at the zoo celebrating anniversaries, father's day and a special birthday! Soooo...HAPPY BELATED FATHER'S DAY TO ALL OF YOU!! Here are some great photos of Levi and Roary and their pawesome Dad!

Today we also celebrate International Box Day with some previously seen photos of Roary, (sorry I haven't photographed him in a box in a while!)

graphic made by Ann at Zoolatry

Even Levi enjoys "boxes", while not traditional cardboard boxes, he LOVES standing on top of the "boxes" at Canine College! (Sorry about the blurry photo but it was taken when I was watching Levi on camera!)

Today we also commemorate freedom and equality for African Americans by celebrating "Juneteenth." May those who celebrate have a meaningful celebration!

Last and DEFINITELY not least, today we celebrate our youngest granddaughter who is turning FOUR!!! She is one of the sweetest and funniest little girls you will ever meet! So much to celebrate on June 19th!!!

Monday, June 10, 2024

Happy 4th Birthday Roary!!!

Roary is upset because the way I did the artwork by his face
 it looks like he is wearing lipstick!!

 Happy Birthday to our Little "Professor!!"

Roary is one of the sweetest cats you could ever hope to meet! He greets EVERYONE who enters our home (he is particularly fond of our next door neighbor Mary, who also has a kitty). When she comes over Roary walks up to her and meows every time!

Roary loves nothing more than having a good nap. His favorite places to nap are the cat tree and a bin that I have on a shelf in our second bedroom. Lately he enjoys napping on top of Levi's crate if I have the window open.

Unfortunately, since he is on a restricted diet due to the bladder stones he had last year, he can't have any sort of a treat or any human food. He probably is better off NOT having them!

Roary puts up with a lot from our high maintenance Sheltie, Levi, but he also is GREAT at knowing EXACTLY what to do to send Levi over the edge! (Staring at him from the other side of the baby gate is ALWAYS a good option!)

Another favorite thing of Roary's is when Levi is boarding at Canine College. Then, he will just sprawl out, relax and enjoy the silence (I have to say we often enjoy it too!)

Roary is good with our granddaughters as long as they aren't too rough with him, and if they don't chase him, but he always is happy to see them leave.

Roary wakes me up every morning without fail. He will come into bed and gently touch my face and give me a soft meow, I look forward to it every single morning!


You mean the world to us, even more than you know!

You bring us calm when we are on edge from Mr. Attention Hog Levi!

In honor of your birthday, Dad and I are taking Levi to the V-E-T for a nice big shot !!! You get to have some peace and quiet AND a good laugh about your brother having a shot (hopefully in the butt!)

Looking forward to cuddling with you later!

Much love,

Mom, Dad and Levi

Friday, May 3, 2024

Family Friday: Meet Levi's Talented Sister, Tango!

 Hi everyone! This is Levi and today I want to share a photo of my most talented FULL sister, Tango! (She was born in a litter approximately a couple of years after me, but we have the exact same parents!)

My first human Mom (Sue from Greyfyre Shelties), has trained Tango so well and Tango is soooo smart that she keeps winning TONS of obedience awards! Just look at her with her ribbons!

Photo Courtesy of Sue Sharp of Greyfyre Shelties


Isn't she beautiful? 

Here is something my first human Mom wrote about my sister Tango:

"This is Tango, a full sibling of Levi. She's my obedience partner and just two years old. We are showing in AKC Rally shows. She's very close to her Rally championship. She's smarter than me by far and does much better than I do as I make many mistakes in the ring! Tango and I go for daily walks when not going to training. I'm Sue, I bred both Tango and Levi's litter. Levi has the same demeanor and look as his wonderful mother, Myka, Here is their incredible mother, Myka, out playing with an infant Tango"

Levi's Mom, Myka with sister Tango
Photo Courtesy of Sue Sharp, Greyfyre Shelties

 Below is a photo of ME!!! (Levi!!) Don't I look like my Mama?

 In the photo below, my Doggie Dad Rambo is in front with his litter sister, Rogue, behind him.

Photo Courtesy of Sue Sharp
Greyfyre Shelties

Well, I hope you enjoyed meeting part of my family today!! I also have a littermate named Stormy who lives in Ohio. (We were buddies before we left to go to our human families), maybe one day you can meet him too!!

Love, Levi

Thursday, April 11, 2024

National Pet Day 2024-Thankful Thursday

 Yes, yes I know!! EVERY DAY is National Pet Day but someone decreed THIS DAY as the OFFICIAL National Pet Day!

Today, as we do EVERY DAY we honor the pets who have come before, as well as those currently in our lives. My focus today are the two silly boys who I am blessed to share my life with!

First, because he arrived first, is our silly Roary!

Roary is super curious, talkative, loving and over all a very good boy!!! He unintentionally falls through the cracks sometimes because Levi is so incredibly demanding. We love this adorable, quirky fellow and he knows it!!

These photos were taken yesterday of Levi and our postal carrier (Natalie). Levi and I take a walk every day in our complex searching out Natalie. Why? Because not only is she a postal carrier, she is also, (according to Levi), the MilkBone carrier!!!!! Levi can spot that truck waaay down the street and will drag me to get to her!

Wishing all of you a Happy National Pet Day!!! I know we are all sure thankful for all of the pets who share our lives! Love to all of you and your pets!

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy Easter 2024 !

 While our family doesn't celebrate Easter, we wanted to take a moment to wish ALL OF YOU WHO DO a blessed and Happy Easter! Love from all of us!

Monday, February 5, 2024

Happy Birthday to one SPECIAL GUY!


Wishing our Dad the HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS!

He gets up at the butt-crack of dawn (4 am!) to get ready for work and takes Levi to the bathroom and feeds him!

He works hard 5 days a week, all day, as a Building Substitute Teacher at our local High School.

He is patient, (MOST of the time lol), kind, caring, loving and devoted to everyone in our furmily!

We couldn't ask for a better Dad and Mom says he is a great husband too!

Happy Birthday Dad!!!!!

Love, Roary, Levi and Mom!! (Dad, sorry about the cut off quote on the last picture on the bottom right.....Mom says you should be able to figure out what it says lol! God forbid she just edits the collage and fixes it! Love, Roary)

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Our Lions CAN DO THIS!! #NFCChampionship #OnePride

 Hi everyone! It's Roary! Mom wasn't going to post today because she is afraid of jinxing the Lions, but I told her that the past two games where MY face was featured, we WON!! That was enough to get my superstitious Mom to allow ME to put up a post!

Today our Detroit Lions will be battling the San Francisco 49'ers in the NFC Championship game. The winner will go to the Super Bowl!

The Lions have NEVER been to the Super Bowl and while it will be an incredible challenge, we are confident that our LIONS CAN DO THIS!!!

There are TWO good omens too....the first is they are playing at LEVI Stadium (sound familiar?) And....the band Journey is performing at half time. One of their verses in "Don't Stop Believing" is "born and raised in south DETROIT." And....Journey will be performing here in Detroit this July......we definitely aren't going to stop believing!!

The Lions are major underdogs undercats in this game, but we think that just might make them hungrier! GOOOO LIONS! 

Unless you love San Francisco, please pray for us!!!

Love, Roary

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Wishing My Lions Good Luck!!! #DetroitLions #NFCWildCardGame

Thank you Ann from Zoolatry
for this amazing graphic!

 Hi furiends! As many of you know, I am named after the mascot of the Detroit Lions football team! We are both named "Roary!!"

 Today is an exciting day! Our Detroit Lions are in their first playoff game in 30 years and the FIRST playoff game ever at Ford Field! I am so excited I can barely stand it!

Mom is excited too but has EXTREMELY mixed emotions. Mom is a huge Matthew Stafford fan (he is the quarterback for the L.A. Rams who we are competing against). He played with Detroit first for TWELVE YEARS!!! Mom was heartbroken when he left but was thrilled when he finally got his Super Bowl ring!

So while Mom and Dad will actually be AT the game cheering for their Lions, Mom  will be smiling when she sees Matthew Stafford return to the field of his FIRST "HOME." She will also be secretly smiling because she is going to wear her old Stafford Jersey under her Lions sweatshirt and doesn't care what ANYONE says! She also refuses to boo him when he takes the field!!

Soooooo Goooooooo Lions and may the best team win!!!! The nice part? Mom will be happy however this plays out!

Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year 2024!


Dearest friends, 2023 was quite challenging. There were profound and heartbreaking losses of beloved pets and people, a world in turmoil and many people struggling in the U.S. due to our crazy interest rates etc. 

The arrival of a new year enables us to reset, adjust, focus and change our way of thinking and acting, if necessary. 

Sending each and every one of you our loving and  heartfelt wishes for a 2024 that brings good health, prosperity, love, peace and fun adventures that will fill your hearts with joy!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR 2024!!!!!