Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Happy 2nd Adoption Day to Our Roary!!

 It is so hard to believe our adorable "marshmallow boy" Roary has been with us TWO YEARS!!! It's time to celebrate!!!  I had introduced you to Roary quite some time ago and for this post there will be a mix of his intro post and some new photos! Hope you enjoy!

Two years ago, I believe in August I thought I might be up for adding a kitty to our family again, I wasn't sure, but I subscribed to a number of sites and figured if it was meant to be it would be. One day after meeting two other cats that were instantly obvious, they were NOT the right ones, I saw this:

Yes, Roary began his life as a "Felix!" I saw this face and instantly fell in love. I decided to send Lenny to PetSmart to check him out in his cage first, just to see if he was friendly. Lenny came home with a great report, "Felix" held his paw out to Lenny and proceeded to work his way into his heart. I promptly filled out an application, they checked my references, and an appointment was made to meet "Felix" on September 21, 2020.

The rest is history! "Felix" instantly was named Roary, (after the Detroit Lions mascot), and we promptly adopted him. Roary was born June 10, 2020. He was a little over 3 months old when he joined our family. What strikes me as strange is Dakota was diagnosed with cancer on June 8th, we found out Cody had to have biopsy surgery on June 9th and Roary was born June 10th. It certainly seems that a higher power had a plan that I knew nothing about.

The original Roary and I at a game on my birthday

Our Roary, a friendly, playful, adorable bundle of fur came into our house like a terror. He was into EVERYTHING (and I DO mean EVERYTHING!) From getting behind the washer/dryer, to getting stuck under our china cabinet (or so we thought, until we called the Fire Department and Roary came out 2 minutes before they arrived after being under it for nearly an hour) .......we knew we had a real character on our hands. He went from being UNDER the china cabinet to scaling it.

Roary LOVES to give kisses, he LOVES being held, cuddled and petted. NOTE: BY HIS DADDY!!! Roary is the ONLY one of the three cats I have had that really isn't into ME!!! Don't get me wrong, he loves me, (mostly for food lol) and talks to me. But for Roary, the world revolves around his DADDY and yes, even Levi. BEFORE ME!!

you will be seeing this photo again
on Cat Daddy Day!! (Stay tuned!!) 
Thanks, Ann, (Zoolatry)for the great editing job!!

Unlike Cody who was completely disinterested in boxes, Roary has yet to meet a box that he DOESN'T like!

Roary and Levi get along much better than they did a year ago. We still can't allow Levi to be out of his crate ALONE with Roary if no one is home, because Levi still plays too rough. Levi feels that Roary's HEAD should be in HIS MOUTH! (I know Roary looks delicious and ready-to-eat, but we don't want Levi taking that literally!!)

Roary was a most darling kitten, and he is an adorable cat. He has grown into his body, but his head seems surprisingly small. It's as if his body grew but his head decided to stay the same! 


Look at the above photo and check out the photo on the left with the blue socks in it. Roary's latest obsession is OPENING MY SOCK DRAWER and he TAKES OUT THE SOCKS!!! Every day I find socks that Roary brings to me in the kitchen. He doesn't just play with them, he DELIVERS them to ME.  I'm assuming that this is the way that he shows me he loves TOLERATES me.

Every day we are grateful for our fun, adventurous, mischievous Roary. He is truly a special boy. He's kind, patient and extremely intelligent. We love our "Marshmallow" boy and wouldn't trade him for the world!

Happy 2nd Adoption Day Roary!!!
Love, Mom, Dad and Levi


  1. happy gotcha day dear roary... we love the name so much....and we will see da lions once in da super bowl , that's for sure ....

    1. thank you!! You won't see the Lions in the Super Bowl in this lifetime!!! LOL!!! xoxo

  2. Has it been two years already?? Wow! Time sure does fly!
    If you put on a shirt of your hubby, then maybe Roary will decide he loves you for snuggles, too?? LOL! You could try...

    Happy Adoption/Gotcha Day, Roary! You are one special kitty!

    1. well, that's not possible since Lenny is A LOT thinner than I am!!! BWWWAHH!!

    2. Hmmm, use a blanket as a shawl?? LOL, LOL!!
      Yup, around here its the opposite,tee-hee!

      Minko was my lap kitty, Pipo mostly went to his pawppy...when we only had Pipo, then I felt a bit 'left out' as it were.

    3. Cody was definitely my lap kitty/shadow/other half. Believe it or not, Levi is more attached to me than he is to Lenny....I feel VERY left out with Roary!

  3. Happy Gotcha Day, Roary! It looks like you picked the perfect home for you.

  4. Happy Gotcha Day, Roary! We hope it's a splendid day for you, and we wish you many, many more happy years to come!

  5. There is no question that Roary was born to heal the hurt in your hearts. He's a hansum dood. (be still my heart!) So happy he's found his Forever Home with you. Love, Dori

  6. Happy Gotchs Day Roary ! And many more !

  7. Happy second Adoption day Roary. You are a real character! Hope you have a fun day.

  8. Happy Gotcha Day Roary!!! I enjoyed all your photos. XO

  9. Happy Gotcha Day, Roary! You know, your name is purrfect for you. WAY more fitting than Felix. Just saying!

    We love you lots, and hope your day is special -- just like you! XO

  10. You are just so adorable Roary and you're right where you were meant to be. Happy Gotcha Day from all of us!

  11. Happy Gotcha Day, Rory! What a great home you have!

  12. Happy 2nd Gotcha Day to Roary! The pictures are all just adorable!

  13. Aww, Roary. You ended up in the best home with the best parents and the best sibling!

  14. Aww... Happy 2nd Gotcha Day sweet Roary🎉🎉🎉 You made us smile, your story, the pictures and the firemen..OMC....I, the Peachy, was stuck too on the second day here in the house, but with a little help of the Granny it worked out fine, but I haven't seen Granny ever seen more worried than ever, I don't know if it is her age, or that she always was like that, worried about effurrything...MOL...Extra double Pawkisses for all of you🐾😽💞

    1. Good job getting stuck Peachy!!! MOL!!! you are a kitty after my own heart! I hear ya about worrying, my Mom is the same way. I think it's because of the kitties that came before you and I. Sending you lots of love, my Mom and I love seeing you! Love, Roary

  15. What a heartwarming story about Roary! His sock-delivering antics are absolutely adorable and clearly show his unique way of expressing affection. Happy 2nd Adoption Day to Roary! He sounds like a truly special and loving companion.
