Thursday, August 10, 2023

National Spoil Your Dog Day!


I would say that Levi is spoiled EVERY SINGLE DAY. MUCH more than Dakota was! 

Levi goes to Canine College to play (at least once a week). If you look at the photo on the left above (sorry it's blurry but I took it from my computer when I was watching Levi on camera when we boarded him, hoping they don't mind my posting it!) is obvious by the sweet employee, (possibly Julianna, I'm not sure), leaning into the playhouse where Levi is looking at her,, that he gets TONS of loving there! I often see him getting kisses and extra pets when he is at daycare/boarding.

Levi gets his beloved bully sticks (one a day, EVERY DAY). Daddy has taken him on countless walks since Daddy is home from school for the summer and he gets tons of kisses and loving from both of us. Levi is an attention hog so he makes sure he gets spoiled EVERY DAY!

Today is also another special day! Our eldest granddaughter turns FIVE today!

We cannot believe she is five!! Where has the time gone?

Have a great Thursday everyone!!!


  1. wow the time is super fast!! happy birthday sweet girl... have a wonderful day... and a happy pup day to all pups ;O)

  2. Levi, you live a full fun life. What's Roary's feelings onthis, mol.

    1. Roary is jealous...but.........he has Mom brushing him every night. He isn't allowed to have treats since he's on a special diet.

  3. I am glad Levi is spoiled. Happy Birthday to your beautiful granddaughter. They grow up so fast. XO

  4. Sweet Levi deserves the spoiling and he always looks so happy! Happy Birthday to the GrandCutie from all of us!!!

  5. I agree, it is everday. That is a cute cookie monster.

  6. Spoil your dog day? Are you having a LAUGH? Spoil your DOG? Spoil one of those insufferable yappers when you can spoil a CAT? I don't know what the world is coming to... *shakes head in disgust

    1. sorry but we are a dual pet household and an equal cat/dog loving household. Believe me, Roary is spoiled as well.

  7. Levi and all dogs definitely deserve to be spoiled! Happy birthday to your granddaughter!

  8. Levi, it sounds like you are spoiled and loved every day. That makes us so happy!

    Happy belated birthday to your adorable granddaughter, Caren and Lenny!

  9. All dogs (and cats) should be spoiled EFFURRY day!
    Happy belated birthday to your grand-daughter.

  10. As far as we can see, not only Levi was spoiled...MOL...Happy Birthday to your beautiful granddaughter. We remember when you announced that she was born, Caren...time flies by so quickly, we know all about it😺Extra Pawkisses for all of you🐾😽💞
